WindFloat TC & FC

WindFloat TC & FC, center column design solutions, optimized for 15MW+ turbines with stiff-stiff towers

The WindFloat TC (tubular, center column) and FC (flat-panel, center column) are natural evolutions of the existing WindFloat® technologies that combines proven features to support a wind turbine located on a column in the center of the platform.

Designed to complement the existing perimeter column designs – WindFloat T and WindFloat F – the new solutions share the same 4th generation design heritage and benefits:

  • Smart Hull Trim system to maximize annual energy production and reduce loads
  • Fatigue-resilient architecture optimized for large wind turbines
  • Compact footprint and shallow wind turbine integration draft for maximum compatibility with infrastructure
  • Modular “block” sub component philosophy for high flexibility and compatibility with existing supply chains.

WindFloat TC, tubular, center column

WindFloat FC, flat-panel, center column

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In expanding the WindFloat® portfolio, we’re demonstrating how we can apply our proven expertise in floating wind with our known and de-risked technical features to achieve center column geometries that are bankable and immediately ready for commercial scale projects

As a natural evolution from the WindFloat® product line, the new WindFloat FC and WindFloat TC designs benefit from the company’s 13-year operational track record and allow for similar, industrialized assembly methods leveraging the same supply chains – a critical component in the scale-up of floating wind worldwide.

Let's get your project floating

Contact our expert team to learn more about which WindFloat® is best for your floating wind project.